Will The Best Evidence Please Stand Up!

Have Character Orgins Legacy Life Relationship with God Wisdom
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Read Time:7 Minute, 36 Second

When it comes to proving something to be true, I often hear “follow the evidence”. In our modern culture, we now act as though the only evidence is scientific evidence. “Follow the science, follow the science, follow the science.” science…science… SCIENCE!

The evidence that I find that gets no credibility in our world, especially when it comes to TRUTH, is historical evidence. The Truth that I am talking about is the truth of our existence. Why are we here? Is there a God? If so, who is that God? Is there ONE TRUTH or many truths? Is there ONE GOD or many gods? Whenever these questions are brought up, the first thing the skeptic or the non-believer wants to do is get rid of historical evidence. They don’t want to hear about it. They don’t want to tackle that evidence or, if they do, they want to quickly try to eliminate historical evidence as having any kind of concrete credibility. After all, “Follow the science, follow the science, follow the science!” If we can’t use “science” there is no way to prove something true! Well, with all due respect and humility, I am here to argue differently.

The scientific method is typically defined in about 7 steps depending on your search in looking it up. There could be some variations of the steps, however, the concept of the method is typically the same. The steps look something like this:

Step 1-Identify a Problem or Ask a Question

Step 2-Conduct Research

Step 3-Make a Hypothesis or Prediction

Step 4: Test or Experiment Your Hypothesis

Step 5- Make an Observation and Collect Data

Step 6- Analyze Results and Draw Your Conclusion

Step 7 Share or Report Your Findings

Why do I bring up the scientific method? I am glad you asked. Well, because I am here to put forth the argument that the scientific method begins and ends with historical evidence. We can’t even identify a problem or ask a question without historical evidence. And better yet, once we go through the scientific method to prove something, the moment we share and report our findings, guess what happens? That whole method process in and of itself becomes historical evidence. Yes, the very moment it is completed! I would even point out that every step of the method along the way, once a step is completed, falls into history contributing to historical evidence now available on the topic at hand.

Think about all of this for a minute…how could we even begin to identify a problem or ask a question without something in our history bringing us to the start of it? Granted the history might be from a short period or a long period of time before being able to identify a problem or being able to come up with a question, but it is still history all the same. The same goes for once the method is completed and the results are in. The method being completed, and the results being reported sends all of the info right back into history, resulting in historical evidence. How about this one: The moment I get done typing this sentence or even the letters in each sentence, they fall into the history of a few seconds ago and go farther and farther back in history as time continues. I trust that you get the point here.

So, what I am about to argue is that scientific evidence has NOTHING on historical evidence. Scientific evidence is literally carried by historical evidence. Without historical evidence, there would be no “follow the science, follow the science, science, science, SCIENCE!” You and I wouldn’t even know what to follow or even know the definition of the word science without historical evidence bringing us to it. Take a moment to let that sink in.

With that being said, let’s go on to some very basic examples of how you and I use historical evidence to shape what we believe and have confidence in when it comes to our everyday walk of life, yet we give it no credit whatsoever. I would argue we “believe” in historical evidence over any other evidence we accept as true by far! I don’t even think it’s a close race. Do you know your heritage? If you do it’s because of historical evidence. I only know I am of French-Canadian descent due to the historical evidence of my ancestry. Why do you put gas in your car? Well, the historical evidence proves that when you do that your car will move. Why do you work for a paycheck that will come 2 weeks later, a month later, or whenever you’re due a paycheck? Yep, because the historical evidence tells you that you will get paid. Why do we not walk into a campfire that is burning hot? Historical evidence tells us we get burned and that will hurt! Why do we invest money in the stock market even though we know it could be risky? Historical evidence tells us our money can make money for us when we invest. Why eat food? Historical evidence tells us we need it to survive. Think of everything you do and why you do it. Most likely, if you’re being honest, you will point to a “belief” in the historical evidence that gives you confidence in doing what you do. I could go on about how historical evidence gives us confidence in what we know to be true about the past, about wars, empires, famous people that existed, etc…etc… I could come up with example after example and this blog could go on forever, but hopefully, the point has been made clear.

So now on to the point of all this. Why don’t we give historical evidence the credibility it deserves when it comes to who we are, why we are here, if God exists, who that God is, and what He has given us? Why don’t we give historical evidence the credibility it deserves when it comes to Jesus Christ? Why don’t we give historical evidence the credibility it deserves when researching Christ’s sacrifice for us? Why don’t we give historical evidence the credibility it deserves to research the claims of the reliability of Scripture? Why don’t we give historical evidence the credibility it deserves to research if eternity for us does exist? Why do we rely so heavily on historical evidence for all of our existence, yet think it holds no weight when determining something as important as our forever future? Why, only when we talk about these things, we want to all of a sudden, depend only on what our eyes can physically see? And yet our eyes deceive us all the time! If they didn’t, there would be no need for instant replay in a sports game to make sure a call by a referee was made correctly. Or better yet, the person born blind would be left with no chance at ever knowing truth about anything! What a feeble argument it is to only rely on eyes to believe in truth. I can easily close my eyes, walk around my home, and feel my kitchen countertops to know the truth of them being there or feel and grab a chair and know the truth that I can sit down. Oh, and by the way, the reason I would have confidence in sitting down is the historical evidence that exists that a chair will hold me up!

I am here to respectfully, humbly, yet boldly proclaim that the historical evidence proves the belief in Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world is true! Historical evidence gives credibility that the Bible is God’s Word to all of mankind. Historical evidence, if you genuinely seek the Truth, will lead you to the God who is! There are resources on this website that will point you to those who have dedicated their whole lives to researching historical evidence to help you with this eternally important topic. I hope you will check it out by clicking the following link: https://havecharacter.com/evidence-for-christianity/

More importantly, I hope you want to know the God that loves YOU! The God who loved you enough to send Christ to this earth to take on sin for us so that our sins can be forgiven and paid for. Check out this link to learn more about Salvation in Christ offered to all who call upon his name: https://havecharacter.com/eternal-life/

To conclude, you and I believe in historical evidence every day. We can’t get away from our belief in it. Furthermore, historical evidence blows away scientific evidence. In fact, without the historical evidence which records scientific experiment and discovery, we wouldn’t even know science exists. Take a minute and give that some thought. Again, It literally carries scientific evidence! So, with boldness I proclaim, screaming from the hilltops:

Will the best evidence for our existence please stand up?

And upstands Historical Evidence!

Have Character! “Seek Truth, Cling to Honest, Strive for Integrity”

J. Noah Russell


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