To Those Who Never Knew…The Impact You Had On Me! (Part 1)

Have Character Orgins Legacy Life My Father Relationships Wisdom
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I often wonder how many people you might come in contact with where the opportunity was there to make a difference in their life, yet you don’t even know it. Sometimes you can even make a difference in someone’s life without even trying just by the way you carry yourself, handle a situation, or the words you say. I would venture to guess this might happen more frequently than all of us realize.

In my life, this has surely been the case. I have observed something they did, something they said, or just how they carried themselves in life. These things resonated with me, made a difference, and just stuck with me. To this day, these things have not been forgotten. Today, I want to honor and pay tribute to those that have had an impact on my life and they didn’t even know it. You might find it surprising just how simple or unassuming some of these things are but the impact on my life has been profound. So here goes:

Years ago, I am driving in my car coming home from work. My drive was about 35 minutes or so depending on traffic and there was a talk show I would listen to on the way home. A Christian talk show. I don’t even remember the topic that was being discussed, but based on what stuck with me the subject matter had to be on the evils of this world and God’s promises to us. It was an open discussion where callers could call in. This one guy called in and what he said, just stuck with me! It stuck with me in a way that put things in a very proper perspective when it comes to this life. This is what he said, “If you are saved by Jesus Christ’s shed blood on the cross, this life is the worst you will ever see…but if you are not saved, if you have not accepted the gift of salvation through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, then this world is the best you will ever see!” Man, that resonated with me. It just made me realize that no matter how hard things get here, there is Hope in Christ for the eternal life to come. The peace and comfort that brings are nothing less than incredible. To the non-Christ follower…man, find Christ! I guarantee you…you will not regret it! To the man who said these profound words that came through the dashboard of my car by simply calling into a radio station, thank you! My prayer is that God allows you to know that impact on a listener listening on the other side.

Here is another one: I have a rubber wristband that I wear on my wrist. Many people wear them to support a very admirable cause. I wear mine to support a life mindset. My wrist ban simply says, “Team Never Quit”. If you’ve read anything on this website, you know I simply do not believe in ever quitting! I am not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but quitting is something I do everything in my power to keep out of my mind as an option. To be blunt…it’s a loser mentality! It seals the deal for failure…when you quit you turn the lights out at any chance of doing something great in the midst of adversity! This mindset was instilled in me by 2 people. My father first and foremost, but then hammered home by my high school coach. Two things I was taught: You finish what you start and you do not quit! There will be plenty said on this website about my dad and it surely started with him, but my high school coach used to get up in my face, literally nose to nose, and scream my head off. You would think as a teenager in high school that I might not be able to handle what looked like ridicule by what he did, but because of the foundation my father set, I understood it. And now, over the years my appreciation has grown to love it…and here’s why: Because they loved me and knew I could do better. If my dad first, and then my coach, didn’t think I was anything…didn’t think I could be great…then they wouldn’t have wasted that kind of time and effort on me. Both showed a love for me that has never left me. My father has since passed and I don’t know if my coach has or not as we have not been in contact for many years now, but I look down at my wristband, think of them, and do everything I can to live that mindset…” never quit.” To anyone who has a coach, mentor, teacher, boss, father, mother, father or mother-figure in their life that is pushing them, take notice! Even if it looks like they are being harsh…could it be that the reason they are spending so much time and effort on you is because they see something in you that you don’t see in yourself? If they thought you were truly nothing…then why would they waste their time? Change the narrative of being harshly pushed into its proper perspective and then go be something great! I can guarantee you one person believes you are great…it’s the one pushing you! To my high school coach, wherever you are, sir, thank you! Dad, I’ll see you soon…I love you!

And now another…years ago, I worked with an older gentleman in my career. Believe it or not, he was in his 90s while I was in my early 30s. We worked out of the same office, just the two of us every day in one room together. When you work with someone that closely on a daily basis you talk about many topics. This guy had stories for days at his age, having been a pilot in World War 2, and all of the life experience he had. He was Jewish while I am Christian. We simply didn’t believe the same thing when it came to our beliefs. But what stuck with me was the respect, grace, and appreciation he had for me even though we believed differently. I also returned the favor because I found him to be a man of character and had the utmost respect for him. We had great dialogue, conversations, and many times lovingly agreed to disagree. I grew to love him and hold him in reverence. That gentleman has since passed away, but what those years taught me is that I can have a conversation about tough topics with those I disagree with. I can stand firm, hold fast to my conviction, and serve my God all while loving the person on the other side. Maybe in that love, respect, and dialogue, I might not get them to turn to what I know to be true, but maybe I can give them something to think about and consider. I cannot achieve that with mean-spirited debate…that I am sure. To this gentleman, thank you, you stamped a lifelong impact on me. Rest in peace, sir!

The final story I will end with is this: Almost every day I go to a local coffee donut shop to pick up my breakfast before heading to work. I go through the drive-thru. The woman that serves me in the drive-thru is always cheerful and in a great mood. It’s so contagious and is very admirable. She jokes, smiles, and genuinely likes interacting with her customers. It’s gotten to a point where I can’t help but smile when I get to the window as her positivity immediately picks me up. One day, smiling and cheerful as ever, she handed me my food and said, “I’ll see you in a couple of weeks”. I replied, “Oh, are you going on a vacation?”…to which she answered, “No, I have treatments next week, I have breast cancer.” This woman did not miss a beat with her positive attitude as she was telling me this. There was no, “whoa is me or feel sorry for me” change in her demeanor. Quite the opposite. I was floored with a blessing that I can’t explain. The strength of this woman is so powerful. We said our goodbyes and I prayed for her and I continue to pray for her. She probably doesn’t realize how powerful her attitude is in the face of adversity that she is facing. A woman, who I am sure, has herself forever embedded in the Hall of Fame of those she comes in contact with. I know she is in mine. To this woman I say to you this: your attitude, positivity, strength, and smile have an impact way beyond anything you could ever imagine. This I can guarantee you!

To all of the above individuals. You have had an impact on me that I will never forget. To some, maybe some of this seems small and not so profound, but to a man like me, the lessons I’ve learned from you through your words, actions, and how you carry yourself will never be lost on me! God bless you all and from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!

If you have had someone impact you in such a way, I’d love to hear about it! Leave a comment below.

Coming soon…PART 2

Have Character!

J. Noah Russell

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