As a father, I have a heart for young people, especially those heading in the wrong direction at such an early age. Years ago, I got involved in a non-profit organization whose main focus is to reach the at-risk youth in our communities. The program is a weekend-long challenge camp geared toward showing kids a different path for their lives…one that is much more positive than the path they are currently on. Even though they have started their lives in the wrong direction, they still have time to turn their life around. There is still hope for them! They still can be impacted. Their futures can still make a difference! That’s where this organization tries to fill this important gap in turning kids around.
In many ways, my heart breaks for them. Their lives are worth so much more than they understand and they have so much potential that they don’t realize. In many cases, their profiles and stories are gut-wrenching. If the kids brought to us stay on their current life’s road, their futures are in grave danger. But if we can reach them, we can show them their life matters. We can show them that the lives around them matter. We can show them that we all need each other in this life to thrive.
Many of the kids brought to us have leadership qualities in them that have never been tapped into. Many of the kids need to be introduced to a love for them that they never realized existed. We don’t reach every kid, but when we do, they realize how powerful this human connection can build them up to be great! These kids have value. They have something to offer! Our goal is to get them to the realization of just how significant they truly are! And when it happens…the results are nothing short of astonishing. It’s an incredible sight to be witnessed.
As many of you may know by now, I had a childhood with a very solid parental upbringing and influence. My heart breaks that many of our kids aren’t as fortunate as I was. Maybe this is where my passion to make a difference comes from. Maybe, just maybe, it’s my attempt to honor my father and mother with the man I would like to think they raised me to be. Ultimately, it might just be my attempt to glorify the God I serve.
Below is a link to the website for the at-risk youth program I am a part of. I hope you will take a look and, if so compelled, maybe look to partner with this ministry in some form or fashion. The program always needs scholarship money as many families can’t afford to send their child to camp even though they want to. Every small donation helps if you feel the need to give. If you have a heart to make a difference in the lives of our at-risk youth, volunteering your time and talents is always welcomed as well. At the very least, I ask for prayer for our young people and prayer that this ministry continues to thrive and make a difference.
Have Character!
J. Noah Russell