Perspective, Perspective, Read All About It! A Story On Truth!

Have Character Orgins Legacy Life Relationship with God Relationships Wisdom
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One of the best ways to make a point is with a story that creates an analogy that makes the point very clear. If I could be so humble, yet bold, today I have a story for you:

Two fairly young families are standing up on a cliff and below is a pretty big river. They are at a high enough distance above the water where jumping into the river could be very dangerous depending on how deep the river is. The kids all want to jump into the river below. Why? Well, because they are kids and have no fear. The two dads are looking down at the water below analyzing the situation. Their wives were beside them, listening in and giving their input. The kids are getting antsy to get wet and dying for the opportunity for the thrill of the jump.

One of the dads says, “I believe it is deep enough for us to jump and enjoy the ride! The kids will love this!”

The other dad says, “I don’t think so. I look down the river and the water gets dark in some areas maybe indicating deep enough water, but it looks to lighten up where we are. I think that indicates to me a shallow spot. Jumping could be a tragedy waiting to happen.”

As they continue to discuss, an old man wearing a baseball cap is hiking along the path leading up to the cliff. He walks up near them to look out into the view of the river below. He had briefly overheard their discussion as he approached.

The dad with some concerns asks his opinion. “Hello sir, I just want your quick opinion. Do you come here often?”

“Not really. This is my first time here.” The man replied.

“Oh ok, you can’t help us then.” The dad said.

The old man interjected, “Well, why do you say I can’t help?”

“Well, we are wanting to know if it is safe to let our kids jump into the river below from here. But if you aren’t familiar with this area then you are in the same boat as us and wouldn’t know.” The man said with a chuckle.

The old man laughed, and paused for a second, “Oh, I can help quite clearly.” And then he began… “You see, each of you has your opinions of the truth that lies at the bottom of this cliff. Each of you might cling to your opinion as truth, but the real truth of what lies at the bottom of that river could care less about “your” truth. You see, once you decide to jump believing in “your” truth, well, no longer will “your” truth matter. Instead, you will be faced with the harsh reality of what the real truth is when you get to the bottom. Ever heard the term, ‘Once the cat is out of the bag, you can’t get him back in?’ Well, jump from that cliff, and you’re now the cat my friend. You will answer to the truth that is, the truth that awaits you at the bottom when you get there. So, make no mistake, I can help you quite well here. Don’t jump until you know for sure what real truth lies at the bottom. After all, doesn’t your life and the lives of your children depend on it? Good day to you!”

The man smiled and tipped his cap to them as he walked away. The dads looked at each other without saying a word. They turned to their wives and didn’t say a word. They looked over to their kids. “Come on kids, we will swim in the river, but not from here!”

So why does Truth really matter anyway? Because no matter what we believe “truth” to be; when the smoke clears at the finish line, we will be hit with the TRUTH that is! You see, lies and deception may get the jump on truth right out of the gate and maybe even for a season, but lies and deception will always get squashed like a bug at the end of the line. And then the lies and deception will come calling for us to pay up the consequences! And make no mistake, we CANNOT avoid the end of the line nor avoid the price of the consequences!

The cliff you and I currently stand on is our life. The river below is the truth we will face when we die. The sobering truth of our existence is at some point we are going to have to jump as time takes us from life to death. But if we listen to the old man’s wisdom in the story, we might just want to have all the confidence in the world to know what will happen when time makes us jump from life into what death has waiting for us.

Be wise and seek Truth at all costs! It will end up being ALL THAT MATTERS! I promise you… you will be happy that you did!

“Seek Truth, Cling to Honesty, Strive for Integrity”

Have Character.

J. Noah Russell

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