My Letter To The King!

Have Character Orgins Legacy Life Relationship with God Scripture Mentality Wisdom
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Heavenly Father, my Lord, my King! I am writing to You and to You alone to worship and glorify your holy name. I have written many blogs about You. I have spoken about the blessings You’ve given me, the many times You’ve carried me, the family You so graciously gave me, the children You gave me the privilege and responsibility to raise, and the lessons You’ve taught me. You have also given me a voice to praise your name! Today, I want to do that because You are alive and well. I want to honor You with this blog post. I want the world to know I serve You.

You, God, are the One True Living God! You are the only source of my hope, the only reason I can take my next breath, and the reason my existence has indescribable promise. The evil that surrounds me in this world has nothing on You. You gave us Your Word and proved this time and time again throughout the history of everything You created. You are the only One worthy of my worship, praise, and submission. I bow at your feet and take comfort in your power and glory.

Lord, you’ve given me so much to live for in this life, yet I still long for the day to be with You. I can never thank You enough for, not only your fingerprints on my life but your unbreakable grip on my life. Sadly, I have turned my back on You many times. I shamefully admit this, and yet, You have never left me! You’ve heard my cries every time. And even in times when I walked away from You, I look back and just know that You never walked away from me in the other direction. Instead, You followed after me because You knew I needed You. When I walked in the distance, too foolish in my ways to cling to You…You came after me. Too many times, I have been the 1 lost sheep and yet You leave the 99 to come get me…time and time again! Lord, please hear my worship and my praise. THANK YOU, GOD!

You sent your Son, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, down to this earth to pay my price for my sin. A price I simply cannot pay. I have no payment that I could pay on my own worthy enough to reconcile me to Perfection…You! I have no payment that I could pay on my own worthy enough to reconcile me to Perfect Righteousness…You! I have no payment that I could pay on my own worthy enough to reconcile me to your Perfect, Righteous, Justice…You! Without Jesus, I simply have no hope of reconciliation with You. Without Jesus, my default position was rejection of You. Your perfection has no room or place for my sin! You in your sovereignty could have left me in this grave position, but You didn’t. Instead, because of your love and forgiveness, You gave me a way back to You in Christ Jesus! And You didn’t just do this as a secret. You didn’t just give me some secret antidote of Jesus that others couldn’t have or get access to. No, instead throughout human history You told us what You would do to save us, and then You sent our Messiah. You sent him to come off the throne of heaven where He was with You. And You dropped Him right smack dab in the center of our existence to carry out our redemption. Right before our eyes in human history, in real-time, You built the road back to You through Christ. And then You preserved his offer of redemption down through the ages until it got to me. And no matter what happens around us, our redemption in Jesus Christ will not be eliminated, but instead, will always be! And He will always be glorified. THANK YOU, GOD!

Lord Jesus, thank You for doing the Father’s will for me. Thank You for coming off the throne of heaven to pay the price I simply could not pay. You showed me with your life and through your words that You and You alone are the only way to have a relationship with You, the Triune God. When You said to the Father if it be possible let this cup pass from You, yet not your will but the Father’s will be done, You clearly showed me that in You, and ONLY in You, can I be reconciled to my Creator. There simply is no other way to the Father. I am in awe of your sacrifice for me. I worship and praise your name. Your name is above every name. Let this honor You, my Lord, Jesus Christ! Today, let your name go out into the world. Hear my cry for You, O Lord, and through my honor and worship, please Lord Jesus call many to yourself today! It is You and You alone who can save. Not many need You…ALL OF US need You. Please, Jesus, pluck man out of the hands of Satan and his evil schemes. He has no chance when You move to change lives! I trust that today, many around the world will call on your name as Lord! To all honor, praise, and worship be given to You, my King! Thank YOU for conquering eternal death for me!

Holy Spirit, You dwell within me! Your presence in my life is deafening! You guide my life. When I sin against You, You don’t leave me. Instead, You convict my spirit and bring me back to You because I am yours. I struggle with your conviction and yet I am so blessed because of it. I struggle in my Christian life and yet, it is because of your guidance, your counsel, and your chasing after me that pulls me back from the brink of utter destruction. The destruction where my sinful decision-making tries to take me to. When the world laughs at me or mocks me, it’s your strength that allows my heart to break for them. It is your strength that allows me to continue to pray for them. It is your strength and counsel that lets me know that they too need a Savior just like I do. I trust that You will continue to work and move in the hearts of men and women around the world. I ask Holy Spirit, that you continue to give me a heart to love my enemies. To pray for them. To stand in the gap for them. To not be boastful in my salvation because I have something they don’t, but instead to share my testimony of You to the world. I pray that my love of You will shine through and that in all of it, You are glorified, worshipped, and praised with my life. THANK YOU, GOD!

God, thank you for this whole Have Character message. What started as a simple message of pushing morals, values, and kindness out to the world has turned into so much more for me. It has brought me closer to You. As I write about what you’ve taught me, I simply cannot get away from You being the greatest thing in my life. You are the sole source of anything good in my life, the sole source of any growth in my life, and the sole source for carrying me through the hardest things in my life. And yet, You have done all this despite my sinful nature and my bad decision-making always acting in direct opposition of You. I am ashamed when I think of this, yet in awe of You. You are a great, great, God! THANK YOU, GOD!

I trust that Have Character has had an impact on someone, if only one. And if not, You are sovereign and so be it. Only You can save, surely not me. Only You are worthy of worship. Only You are the source of anything good.

Lord, my goal of this blog, was to simply heap as much praise, worship, and glory on You as much as I could describe and pour out. What you do with this in your sovereignty is up to You.

I will end this letter to you, my King, with this: Lord I ask for your help for anyone who doesn’t know You. I pray for our nation which desperately needs you. I pray for other countries and quite frankly, a world that desperately needs You. I pray in desperation that You step in! You are the Creator of all things. I pray for my enemies. I pray that You will move in their hearts and minds pulling them to yourself. Let them see clearly who You are. Save them, Lord Jesus, before it is too late. I pray that they will see their wicked ways which is everything separate from You! I pray that You give me the wisdom and strength to also do the same. Help me to stay focused on You. Please open doors and let loving dialogue begin. Don’t let me believe I have the power to save anyone. Instead, let me be bold enough to proclaim You to those around me so that they will know that there is a God in Heaven. The God I serve…You! The God who wants them too! Let me stay humble in my strong personality ONLY because it’s You who has me and not the other way around!

Lord, I boast of You because I have done nothing to earn your favor. I speak in confidence of your salvation for me because it is your grace and your grace alone that has saved me. There is nothing special about me. Quite the opposite. Lord, I pray that through my feebleness others will see that if You can save me, surely You can save them too. Bring someone to this website so that You and You alone will be glorified! It is in this, that I pray to you, Lord, in Jesus’ name.

Finally, Lord, if I can take one last paragraph to say THANK YOU for delivering me from evil. Thank you so much for the comfort and peace I have that evil, sin, death, Satan’s schemes, and his demons can do NOTHING when up against You. They simply cannot do ANYTHING and must do what You tell them to do and when You tell them to do it. As a child of You, the King…man! That gives me goosebumps and gives me so much comfort and peace.


Let me always “seek Truth, cling to Honesty, and strive for Integrity” in honoring YOU!

Have Character!

J. Noah Russell

2 responses to “My Letter To The King!”

  1. Ketty Avatar

    Amen praise the Lord amen

    1. jnoahrussell Avatar

      Thank you Ketty for taking the time to comment. I am blessed by you. Praise be to the King of kings and Lord of lords, our Savior, Jesus Christ! Have Character!

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2 thoughts on “My Letter To The King!

    1. Thank you Ketty for taking the time to comment. I am blessed by you. Praise be to the King of kings and Lord of lords, our Savior, Jesus Christ! Have Character!

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