In Life, Learn and Execute Throwing the Perfect Jab!

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Boxing has long been called the “The Sweet Science”. If you google search the term you will get the following definition: “stands for a boxer who can stay composed and strategic and finish the fight without taking significant damage.”

For many years, I loved watching pro boxing. I was always impressed to see two men’s bravery and guts to stand in front of each other…to test their skills against one another. They would train for weeks and weeks to get themselves in tip-top shape, each knowing the other man was doing the same. Who would train harder, better, or more intelligently? Who would want it more? Who would eat better in their preparation? How determined were they willing to push themselves both physically and mentally? Who would peak on fight night to push themselves to victory? When I think of all the things that happened behind the scenes leading up to the fight, it put me in awe of the fight itself. However long the fight would last, it would all be on full display.

Inside the fight itself, the one punch I always admired was from the boxer who had a great, stiff, jab! Whenever a fighter had a superior jab in a fight, it was always pretty obvious. The jab is such an awesome weapon for a boxer to have in a fight. It creates all kinds of problems for the other fighter and all kinds of advantages for the fighter who committed to it and could throw it the best. You see, many things are accomplished by the jab. It can be used as a great defensive weapon by keeping the other fighter at bay, stopping them from throwing their power punches and throwing off their timing. It also keeps the other fighter from the ability to get into a rhythm.

At the very same time, the jab is a great offensive weapon. It’s a game changer doing its own damage, breaking the other fighter’s will, breaking down their stamina, and used to set up other power punches that can finish the fight. If you’ve ever seen a fighter’s face after taking jab after jab after jab over multiple rounds, the amount of damage done is very significant. Over the course of a fight, the jab will break a nose, cause significant bruising, and even open up some of the ugliest cuts on the opposing fighter.

Even further, throwing an effective jab doesn’t exhaust as much energy in the fighter’s gas tank keeping them fresh throughout the bout. At the end of the day, the jab is probably the only punch in boxing that mounts offense and defense at the very same time. When a fighter has a great jab in his arsenal, he is going to be very tough to beat…and, when he snaps that jab consistently throughout the fight, his chance of winning goes up significantly.

When I think of winning against life, I think of learning and perfecting a great jab! The jab I am talking about is a commitment to a positive attitude, a commitment to finding the silver lining in any situation, and a commitment to refusing to give up. The jab I am talking about is staying focused on the end results knowing there will always be rewards if you persevere. Nothing is worth anything without the fight to get there. When you persevere, you will be stronger…the rewards much sweeter…and most important, much deeper and meaningful. This jab that you will perfect will give you peace and inner joy. It will keep your glass half full and never half empty. It will keep you from quitting. It will keep you with determination to finish the fight. It will give you both defense and offense as you battle all that life has to throw at you. When we get in the ring, standing across from us will be Life, who is ready to unleash on us everything negative you can think of. It will come at us with stamina, power punches, a determination to break us down, and a determination to defeat us. Sometimes it will come at you with a wrath that has no care for you. A wrath that will try unleashing destruction on you. When life throws a heavy blow of tough times, the jab will keep in perspective that those times are temporary…it will remind us that in all tough situations, there are always silver linings (you just have to look for them…they are there). When the tough season of life seems to have stamina and not wearing down, throwing the jab will keep it from getting the absolute best of you. You will keep life at bay and the jab will help you weather the storm.

At the very same time, the jab will put you on the offensive. The jab of not quitting, a positive attitude, and determination will break down life’s tough times. If you throw it consistently and effectively it will turn the tides of the fight in your favor, allowing you to set up the power punch that will lead you to ultimate victory! Perfecting the jab against life will make you very tough to beat… and your chance of winning goes up significantly!

As a Christian, the ultimate jab is what God teaches us in his word. If you are not a Christian, please don’t tune me out here. If you have dealt with any struggles in life as I have, I plead with you to just hear what I have to say. It surely comes from a genuine care and love for you. The Bible tells us exactly who we are fighting against in this world and tells us literally how to have the perfect jab in this fight.

Ephesians 6:10-18 spells out putting on the full Armor of God to battle against whom we are truly battling in this life. When bad things in life come our way, we are not battling against human forces, but instead, we are up against the darkness in the spiritual realm. We can’t win that fight with human tools, but we can win it with the spiritual jab God lays out for us. Again, if you are struggling with anything and feel you are on the verge of losing the fight, please pick up a Bible and find this passage. This passage has equipped me with the perfect jab to win the fights I find myself in as I walk down this road called life. The jab that you perfect will always bring about triumph out of EVERY tragedy. Let me say that one more time…The JAB that you perfect will always bring about triumph out of EVERY tragedy!

I encourage you to consciously work on perfecting your jab in your life! It will take training, consistency, determination, and mental toughness. You will need it often and you will throw it consistently. You will need to snap that jab fast and strong. When you do, you will defeat whatever life decides it wants to throw at you. The final result will always be this: Life has no chance against YOU!

Have Character!

J. Noah Russell


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