Movie Recommends


The Passion of the Christ- 2004

The movie is tough to watch as you get a glimpse of what Christ did for us on the cross. One thing that I am reminded of when I watch this film is that…when the Romans carried out a crucifixion… they were absolute experts at it. To me, this means Christ most likely went through even worse than what you see here. Directed by Mel Gibson

Men of Honor- 2000

A movie about a son’s quest to make his parent’s proud, not letting circumstances dictate your success, never giving up, moving obstacles out of your way, and not accepting failure as an option. Starring Robert De Niro and Cuba Gooding Jr.

Hacksaw Ridge- 2016

A movie about standing up for what you believe in and making a difference, even in the lives of those who persecute you, and when starring down the horrors of war. A lesson in being committed to your conviction and doing the right thing even when faced with danger in doing it. Believing and knowing there is much more to our existence than the here and now. Starring Andrew Garfield

Fireproof- 2008

Christian movie on marriage. Great movie to show how a marriage in trouble can be resurrected out of the ashes of failure when God is called upon. A movie made by the Christian movie writers the Kendrick brothers. Starring Kirk Cameron.

Courageous- 2011

Christian movie on family, more specifically, fathers. Fathers take notice of this movie and fight for your families! Another Kendrick-made movie.

The Rocky Series- 1976 to Present

Have Character is written all over this series. From determination and not quitting, being an underdog and overcoming the odds, faith, and facing your fears, to the power of the relationship between a husband and wife. The Rocky movies are an underrated series that goes way beyond the sport of boxing and winning the title. Kudos to Sylvester Stallone and all the Have Character values he shows in this movie series.

Remember the Titans- 2000

Watch how a football coach rallies against all odds of racism to bring kids together for a common goal regardless of skin color. Denzel Washington is brilliant in this film.

War Room – 2015

An absolute example of fighting for the commitments of marriage. Want to see a masterful performance of taking the battle to the devil in the fight to save a marriage by calling upon God? Watch Karen Abercrombie’s incredible performance as Miss Clara in this film. It will leave you inspired to fight amid marriage struggles. Again, another Kendrick-made movie.

The Guardian – 2006

Kevin Costner has made many great movies, but The Guardian is at the top of the list in my opinion. This is also by far Ashton Kutcher’s best performance as well. This movie has some great Have Character moments in them. Once again, a military movie on the U.S. Coast Guard. A lesson on not quitting and never letting go! Don’t know what I mean by that. Go check out the movie and then you’ll understand. Bryan Adam’s song, Never Let Go, at the end with a tribute to the Coast Guard is well worth watching so watch it all the way to the very end through this incredible tribute. Hats off and salute to our men and woman in the U.S. Coast Guard!

Sound of Freedom – 2023

Based on the true story of Tim Ballard, played by Jim Caviezel, who leaves his job in homeland security and his family to come to the rescue of innocent children being devoured by the sick, human trafficking trade. A mission of sacrifice and eternal purpose. The have character messages in this film are many. From a father’s love for his kids as they are stolen from him to a man who cares enough to do something about it, to the bravery in the face of danger, to the selfless sacrifice of a wife back home that supports her husband in his mission when six children of their own are back at home needing a father. This movie turns the lights on in a room of sickening darkness to let evil know, “God’s children are not for sale.” A must-see movie to support the movement against these disgusting acts!

Priceless – 2016

A movie starring for King and Country brother Joel Smallbone and the decision of a man to do what is right in saving a woman and her sister from the sex trafficking trade. That small voice that tells him to make a difference! A powerful movie that shows the value of a woman’s worth is Priceless!

The true-life story on the Smallbone family starring Joel Smallbone from the band For King and Country. You will be truly inspired when you watch this movie. From seeing what it takes to have humility, hard work, never giving up, finding joy in the struggle, learning about how strong family is, asking for forgiveness, and the strength of a who was not going to let her family fail, this life story walks you through the struggles of a Christian family before they made it in the music industry. This is a must watch movie for anyone who wants life changing encouragement!