Evidence for Christianity

Strengthen Your Faith

I love Christian Apologetics. When I bring up this word, even among my Christian friends, many ask me what is “Apologetics”.

According to Dictionary.com, Apologetics is defined as: “The branch of theology concerned with the defense or proof of Christianity using rational argument”…or…”reasoning in defense of any theory or doctrine, typically drawing on a set of established responses to specific criticisms.”

I, however, cannot stand the word, “Apologetics.” It just seems like it’s implying a need to apologize for something. If I can be even more candid here, it just seems like such a weak word to me. (Please understand apologies are not weak….it takes strength to be able to say “I’m sorry” when we fall short.) Anyway, I digress here. I apologize for that. Oh boy, I am now apologizing! Ugh! Let’s move on to the more important reason for this page, shall we?

The Apostle, Peter, tells us in 1 Peter 3:15: “but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,”. We should have a reason for our belief and be ready to give an answer.

I don’t believe Apologetics, in and of itself, can save anyone. Only God can do that through what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross, but what apologetics has done for me through the years is strengthen my faith. What I believe makes sense and there are proofs out there to back it up at every turn.

I, by no means, am an expert in Christian apologetics, but there are many I hold in very high regard that I would like to pass on to you who are. Want information to help you grow in confidence that what you believe is true? Want to learn more about the hope you have in you in Jesus Christ? Here are some of the best in Christian Apologetics to learn from:

Josh McDowell– Josh has had a life of tragedy and triumph only found in Christ. He set out to prove the Christian faith was wrong and his journey changed his life. If you’ve navigated around this website, you’ve already seen this name. The books that Josh wrote have had an influence on me. Two that come to mind are More than a Carpenter (also updated versions with son, Sean.) and The Evidence that Demands a Verdict Volumes I & II or The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict which pulls both volumes into 1 Book. If you want to dive into the Bible as the word of God, “Evidence” is the book to do it!

Dr. Sean McDowell– Sean is the son of Josh McDowell and an expert in his own right. I follow Sean’s YouTube channel. He is also a professor at Biola University. Sean is a wealth of knowledge in Christian Apologetics as well.

Dr. Sean McDowell – YouTube

James Warner Wallace– J. Warner Wallace was an atheist homicide detective who turned his life over to Christ. His Cold-Case Christianity is a fascinating examination of the claims of the Gospel using his unique skills as a detective.

Cold-Case Christianity – J. Warner & Jimmy Wallace – YouTube

Ken Ham – Founder of the Creation Museum, Ark Encounter, and Answers in Genesis. When it comes to the origins of our existence that leads to our Creator, Ken Ham’s Answers in Genesis is a wealth of knowledge!

Answers in Genesis – YouTube

Lee Strobel– Former investigative atheist journalist who wrote The Case for Christ which also was a movie. Another fascinating journey of an atheist going where the evidence led him.

Lee Strobel

Dr. Grady S. McMurtry– Evolutionist turned Biblical Creationist, his Creation Worldview Ministries offers a wealth of knowledge. His website has many articles to read that are fascinating subjects, such as Aliens, Carbon 14 dating, and Evolution, to name a few.

Creation Worldview Ministries

Dr. Gary Habermas- He has dedicated his whole life’s work on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. If you want the most dedicated research on the historical evidence of Jesus ressurrecting from the dead, you must look into Dr. Habermas’ work. No one has done as much research to the most singnificant event in history.


Professor John Lennox is an intelligent human being who has authored many books, debated his claim of Jesus Christ being the Savior of the world and the way to reconcile us back to our perfect, righteous, and just Creator, the God of the Universe. You can check out many debates and speaking events of John Lennox on YouTube. You can also check out his website at:


Our American Heritage and foundation has God written all over it! Wallbuilders is an incredible resource for learning and understanding our TRUE American history which was founded on the God of the Universe! If you don’t believe me go buy antique history books. They tell a very different story from what we are told today or even worse, ignored today! I have learned much from Wallbuilders and thankful they are here to set the record straight! Check out their website here below:


Wes Huff is an incredible, apologist for the Christian faith. He is young and intelligent. A great resource for evidence of the Christian faith. His studies come through in his explanations and his grasp of historical evidence that the average human being will never take the time to study is outstanding. A true warrior for the Christian faith and follower of the One, True, living God, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Check him out! He has been on podcasts with huge followings such as Joe Rogan and the PBD podcast. You can check out those podcast links on his website. Take a look!


I am sure there are many other great Christian Apologists out there, but I wanted to pass on at least some of the ones that have had a positive impact on me. I hope you find this information helpful in your Christian walk of Faith.

Have Character!

“Seek Truth, Cling to Honesty, Strive for Integrity”