Abortion Is Political…Not Even Close!

Challenges Have Character Orgins Legacy Life Parenting Relationship with God Relationships Scripture Mentality Wisdom
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Boy, I will take quite a bit of heat for this one. Even starting out typing this I can already start to feel the spiritual battle going on in the room I am sitting in. It is quiet in here, but I can cut the tension with a knife. I am convinced there are forces that want me to leave this alone, yet my heart has grown heavy to speak on it. Since I am convinced that I have the Holy Spirit living in me, I believe my heavy heart comes from Him. Therefore, with love and respect, but without apology or concern for what anyone might think of me, I must continue. So, how can I try to wrap my head around the topic of abortion? A topic that gets most people fired up from 0 to 100 in record time. I guess the real question for me personally is…how can I ignore the topic? How can I deliver a Have Character message rooted in the foundation of my Christianity, and simply walk around the issue, or worse, walk away? I can’t…so here I am and here we go.

I’ve heard many times, when in conversation with someone, the following phrase, “The two things I don’t talk about are Politics and Religion.” I always find that fascinating because whenever I hear this I always think and sometimes will even say, “Only 2 people win when we refuse to have a loving dialogue about Politics and Religion and that is the Politicians and the Devil.” Neither one wants us talking about those things. If people have an open, loving dialogue about Politics, the Politicians might find themselves in deep water. The power they so desperately crave to hold onto is threatened when you and I start talking about ideas, especially when it comes to ideas that might unite us as a people. They might just get ousted from office. And if we won’t have any loving dialogue about Religion, well, Satan gets to have his way in the world because the Truth won’t be talked about either. He can go on about doing his wicked ways, stay hidden, and never be exposed…all while wreaking havoc and destruction in the lives of human beings. I am convinced when someone says this, the demons who are within earshot take note of it and then go run and report it back to the Evil One. I am sure his face breaks out in a smile when he knows another human being is afraid to talk about the Truth. This way sin can continue to decay God’s creation (us) all while staying in stealth mode.

How convenient is it really then, that the issue of abortion has become such a political hot-button topic all while being swept under the rug when it comes to morality? It surely is no coincidence how this works. The two puzzle pieces fit perfectly together! Even a good majority of the “pro-life” Politicians will engage in the argument of when an abortion should be allowed because taking a hard stance on it as simply a right or wrong issue is just too politically dangerous for them. Show me a Politician who is against the murder of the unborn period, and I will show you a Politician who better brush up his or her resume for their next career move because it won’t be in Politics.

When it comes to the topic of abortion and I see the debate rage on in a discussion, I can’t help but think and wonder, I can’t be the only one in the room listening to this or watching this debate that realizes the only reason this debate can even be had is because the parents of EVERYONE in this room actually chose life over abortion. Anyone who is for abortion, with all due respect, please go to your parents and thank them for truly being pro-life so you can have your opinion now that you are “outside of the womb.” I mean c’mon. I’m not breaking the mold here with incredible knowledge…isn’t this the elephant in the room? If not, it should be!

And here is another question I have in this debate. We as human beings like to do studies all the time. We do experiments, collect data, and use that data to come to conclusions. Abortions have been around since the day we chose to let sin infiltrate our existence. We have killed so many babies that I can’t think of a more worthy topic that would have an abundance of data to do case studies on. So, where are the studies on the long-term effects an abortion has on a woman well after the abortion is completed? Does it ever affect her health in the short term or long term? Does it have any effect on depression, lost relationships, or any health issues? How does it affect her overall well-being? How many times will she think of the child she aborted when that child would be 10, 20, or 30 years old, and on and on? How many times does a woman wonder with deep regret what her child’s personality might have been like? Who would they have grown up to be? What would her child’s children have looked like? What would they have named their children? Will she ever be haunted by any thoughts of “what could have been”? I know these studies are out there, so here is the obvious question: Why aren’t these studies and the results of them right smack dab in the middle of the abortion debate? Is it because these studies would prove that a woman might want to re-think the right to her body and consider the potential damage for the rest of her life? So, my intuition brings me to this conclusion on this: These studies have been done, and they are out there, but there is a reason they are not used in the mainstream coverage of this issue. It wouldn’t give benefit to overwhelming support for a woman’s right to choose what she does with her own body but instead encourage the opposite. Those studies would show the destructive damage caused to the woman. Damage that sadly cannot be undone once the abortion has been carried out. It would give a woman a look at the “rest of the story” by spotlighting the potential damage that it could have on her…again, for the rest of her life. This would crush the argument of a woman’s right to her own body. It would rock the abortion industry to the core! It might just cause a woman who had access to those studies to think twice about killing the human being living inside of her. I am convinced it would change some women’s minds, if not a large number, no doubt about it. But let the woman find out on her own in the aftermath about the effects on her that can no longer be undone and who cares, right? After all, the abortion still took place, their industry is still thriving, and murder is still running rampant. All is well in the evil realm and all under the disguise of “protecting” women. I mean if we let this truth come out, the very profitable industry of abortion might be in big trouble. Their profit margins might fall to the earth faster than dropping a two-ton boulder from an airplane at 10,000 feet.

Right about here is where the arguments will come flying at me about circumstances surrounding an abortion and most notably the circumstance of rape and incest. I hear this one all the time as the mainstream, foolproof, sure-fire proponent to “win” the abortion debate and I surely understand why. One, it fits the narrative to push the person who is for life to the side of being unempathetic for the woman and, two, it allows for the one who is for abortion to be utterly outraged that one might be okay with such a heinous circumstance to force a woman to carry a baby to term and give birth. I get it, I understand it. Pose the question in a way that will put someone on the side of sounding unempathetic and cruel and the debate is won. But, let’s see if this is truly what abortion is about or if there is something so much more going on here.

Here we go: How about this? Ok, let’s allow abortion ONLY for the heinous circumstances when the crime of rape and incest are committed. I am in. Done! Let’s do it. For all other reasons, it is not allowed. Again, let’s confirm: The most heinous circumstances are allowed for abortion…rape and incest. All others are not. Agreed? If the answer is “no” then the argument for rape and incest being the game-winner for the abortion debate goes right out the window. It is then not about those circumstances, is it? I just agreed to those circumstances. The moment the pro-abortion side won’t agree that this is the only reason abortion is allowed is the very moment this argument for abortion gets exposed and can no longer be used. Let that sink in for just a minute. If you throw rape and incest at me and I give you that so we can save all other babies and yet you won’t concede all other abortions to be stopped, then your rape and incest argument is not really why you want abortion. At that point, this rhetoric can no longer be used and you have to try something else. It’s time to cling to your next argument.

Wait, what about the health of the mother? We can’t make the mother give birth if she could die. Ok easy, fine, I am good with that too. You? Agreed? Ok so now we are at rape, incest, and potential death of the mother. Done, case closed! All others we can’t allow. Wait, we are still not in agreement? If not, then you can no longer use rape, incest, and potential death of the mother as the reasons for all abortions to be allowed. I gave you all of them. Read up to the ending of the last paragraph. So, there must be something more? We might be getting on to something here.

What is left is a woman’s right to do what she wants with her body. That’s all that’s left…and it’s a big one. So now we want to cling to that one. And as a man, I surely don’t get to have a say here, right? After all, I am a man and I don’t know what it’s like to be a woman. Therefore, I have no right to tell a woman what she can and can’t do with her body. Well, this is simply not true and before you jump from 0 to 100 breathing fire at me for my lack of empathy for a woman, let me respectfully explain why: I, as a man, do not have the right to do whatever I want with my own body either! I know this is an argument to keep the debate in full rage, red-hot coals mode. I know this argument is to keep men on the sidelines as if they have no credibility in the debate, but I am sorry, it holds no weight. Since when has ANY human being had the “right” to do whatever they wanted with their own body? Let me think for a quick second…um…NEVER! I can’t impose my body on someone else because I have the right to do what I want with my own body. I could give example after example of what I can’t do with my own body because I simply do not have the right to do it, but I don’t need to get sick into details here. The truth is not complicated and this argument easily exposes the “you have no right to tell me what I can or can’t do with my own body” argument. We, as a civilized world, have NEVER had the right to do whatever we want with our own bodies regardless of who we are. And if we are now going to start allowing this, watch out!

I now want to head to the Bible to point out an interesting fact that I don’t think has been talked about, or at least not enough, in my opinion. Yes, there have been many debates on the Bible and abortion. Different Scripture surely makes it pretty clear about the topic, but I am going to head to a very logical one that can bring us to a very logical conclusion about the baby in the womb. I do this because I am not lost in the whole debate of is a “fetus” an actual baby before “it” comes out of the womb. Well, let’s let God be the judge. After all, whether we like it or not, He is the ultimate authority in all of this. So, if God did not believe a baby was a human being until the child got out of the womb then logic tells me there would never be a reason to address the idea of a child until it became a “baby” outside of the womb. But God, on many occasions does not do this. Instead, He does the exact opposite. There are times throughout the Bible when God comes to a woman to let her know she will be pregnant with a child and that He has chosen this child for his purposes to be carried out. In these cases, the obvious clarity is the fact that God came to the woman BEFORE the child was born and not after. In the most logical sense, this is so key. Again, if God does not look at the unborn child as a human, why would He come to the woman to let her know a child she was about to be pregnant with would be a human He has chosen? Why would God not wait and let the woman decide if she was keeping the baby she was pregnant with before He came to her to choose the child for his purposes? Wouldn’t that make sense if God doesn’t recognize a baby in the womb as a human being until they are born? Doesn’t the woman have the right to do whatever she wants with her own body? If so, how can God jump the gun on that one? So, God…You better wait before your purpose can go forward. How ridiculous does this sound? Pretty ridiculous.

Here are some examples…and on a very important note these were some of the greatest, if not the greatest, human beings who have ever existed. (might that be an interesting take that the greatest human beings were tagged by God while in the womb? Ponder that one for a minute.)

Genesis 17: 15-19 – Sarah gave birth to Isaac who God would establish a covenant with as an everlasting covenant for his offspring after him.

Judges 13 – Manoah’s wife would give birth to Samson and he would begin to save Israel from the hands of the Philistines.

Luke 1:5-15 – Elizabeth would give birth to John the Baptist who would be filled with the Holy Spirit, EVEN FROM HIS MOTHER’S WOMB. (Verse 15) He would pave the way for the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

The Entire Bible- Jesus Christ, the Messiah and Savior of the World. The Old Testament predicted his coming well before He came on the Earth. He came to Earth through the womb of a woman, Mary, who was chosen by God to give birth to Him.

The point here is God has a purpose for us and it starts before we are “born”. The Bible can’t be more clear on this. Countless Scriptures show this to be the case. Here are just a few to look up and I am only touching the surface: Jeremiah 1:5, Psalm 139:13 and Psalm 139:16, Isaiah 49:5 and Isaiah 49:1, Galatians 1:15, Job 31:15, Luke 1:41, Pslam 71:5-6.

So, let’s call abortion what it is and expose it for what it is. It is the killing of another human being and Satan uses circumstances to get human beings to be ok with it. And why is this? Satan’s goal is to ruin God’s creation as much as he can and he is a master at hiding evil. The arguments used for abortion and how emotionally charged they are to divide us from determining right and wrong on this issue is one of Satan’s best masterpieces. Unfortunately, he has done a brilliant job at deception here. If allowing for abortion ONLY in the cases of rape, incest, or death of the mother is not enough for the pro-abortion side, then there is something else going on here and it’s pretty obvious. And why would I, who is against abortion completely, be willing to give up these few circumstances to allow abortion? Because it exposes the whole abortion side for what it is. It is evil and the moment abortion is hung onto even after offering these concessions the true identity of abortion is pulled out of the darkness, into the light, and evil is completely exposed. You see, by giving up those circumstances and only those circumstances for abortions to be allowed, we would save an overwhelmingly high percentage of babies who are currently being killed. Those circumstances are very small in the overall picture. But by doing that it would kill not only an evil industry but a very rich industry. (On a side note, I did not even get into the deeply rooted racist part of this industry as well, but that would put me into full book mode).

One final point I would like to make before I wrap this up. When an abortion is completed, that baby will never have another shot at life. The baby that was aborted does not get to go through some time portal to find themself in some other woman’s womb to be born and have a life from there. No, if you end it, that person’s one shot at life was taken from them. And that life that was taken was your own flesh and blood. Not someone else’s…yours! God has purposes for us before we are born and your baby is no different, regardless of the circumstances of pregnancy. I don’t type these words easily and I don’t take these words lightly. I understand some circumstances of pregnancy can be so overwhelmingly difficult. But what I do know is there are rewards in choosing the hard road’s path over the easy way out. One reward might just be the peace and comfort that you gave life when there was an easier route that you could have taken. When your child becomes something special, and they will, the reward you will feel when you look back at making the right choice will come rushing in like a tidal wave. And as they continue to grow, that reward will be the gift that keeps on giving! The opposite of this, sadly, is the collateral damage question that will always be left behind and that is this: “What could have been?”

To wrap this up, I would like to just talk to any woman who is considering or would consider an abortion. I respectfully and lovingly ask that you do a few things before you ever go through with it.

First- You are important. Your life matters. And the life of the one living in you is counting on you to give them their opportunity at life too. They are important inside and outside the womb. The God of all things has shown us this clearly! Again, they are your flesh and blood. Yours!

Second- Please research the potential long-term effects an abortion could have on you. And please do not accept this research from the pro-abortion resources who need your abortion for their rich industry to thrive. Do it with your own due diligence. With all due transparency here, no matter what study you look to there will be an agenda tied to it. Yes, the “religious” side has an agenda too in their studies. But consider the two agendas: One your abortion is lucrative to keep the abortion clinics raking in cash hand over fist while the religious agenda has no skin in the game other than to care about your soul and long-term well-being. If you have long term-effects such as depression, regret, or any other long-lasting issues you’re not going to be able to call on the abortion clinic to help you in the aftermath. After all, sadly, they will be too busy for you.

Third- Please search your soul. Do you ever think your life after an abortion will ever be the same? Will you ever be curious about the life you will end before it ever gets started? Will you ever think of them on the anniversary day you terminated them? Will you ever think of them on what would have been their birthday? Will you wonder about their personality, eye color, or hair color? When you get older and are more experienced and mature in your life will you look back and regret it because you would love to know what that child would have been like today? Yes, I am pulling on your heartstrings if I can. The stakes are just too high not to.

Fourth and maybe the most important- If you are struggling with this, cry out to the God who is for help. God is a good, good, God! If you honor Him by submitting to his will you can take comfort that you know He has a purpose for your child just as He has told us countless times in His Word. It might not be easy, but He will answer you. He will always be there in the struggle. And, yes, there will be struggle, but there will be times of great celebration as well.

Finally, to the woman who has had an abortion already who might be reading this and you might be already dealing with the damage that having an abortion has caused you: There is great news for you and all of us! There is redemption in Jesus Christ! There is comfort and peace in a relationship with Him. He is the Savior of the world! You can give this up to Him and He will help. In my life, I have made some pretty bad decisions. Thankfully, I have a God who has never turned his back on me, and He will never turn his back on you either. I will leave you with this. In Matthew 11: 28-30, Jesus, said this: “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” You don’t have to let your past define you and God can restore you!

Abortion is a very tough subject and it was hard to write on it, but I had to. As a Christian, trying to live out my message of Have Character, in the hopes of making an impact on just one…that impact might just be on someone dealing with this topic. Lord willing!

And why might we be conditioned to not “talk politics and religion”? I think this tough topic might just hit the nail on the head.

Have Character!

J. Noah Russell

2 responses to “Abortion Is Political…Not Even Close!”

  1. Rita Ross Avatar
    Rita Ross

    Wow! ILOVE the way you THINK. You cover every topic and put into words, my own feelings and questions I have had on these subjects since I was a small child and would talk to my parents about things I had read and could not understand the reasoning behind. Why people make the type of decisions they do or WHY they stand by and allow others to behave badly, instead of getting involved with helping the underdog?

    1. jnoahrussell Avatar

      Thank you Rita for your kind words. I truly appreciate you taking the time to make a comment. Your comment has truly been a blessing to me. God bless you and your family. Thank you very much! Have Character!

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2 thoughts on “Abortion Is Political…Not Even Close!

  1. Wow! ILOVE the way you THINK. You cover every topic and put into words, my own feelings and questions I have had on these subjects since I was a small child and would talk to my parents about things I had read and could not understand the reasoning behind. Why people make the type of decisions they do or WHY they stand by and allow others to behave badly, instead of getting involved with helping the underdog?

    1. Thank you Rita for your kind words. I truly appreciate you taking the time to make a comment. Your comment has truly been a blessing to me. God bless you and your family. Thank you very much! Have Character!

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