Why “SEEK” Truth, “CLING” to Honesty, “STRIVE” for Integrity?

Challenges Have Character Orgins Legacy Life Relationships Wisdom
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When I came up with the idea of Have Character I wanted to add a slogan or motto that gave the words a more defined meaning. I knew what “Have Character” meant to me, but how could I relay in more detail to my audience truly the message I was trying to give? Thankfully, for me, it didn’t take long to come up with “seek truth, cling to honesty, strive for integrity”. It spoke to me and defined exactly my message in a pretty clear way. I felt it left no room for interpretation or, better yet, left no room for misinterpretation.

But as I read the motto under Have Character, I feel it is important to discuss why I chose those particular words of action…” seek, cling, and strive”. What is the meaning of using them? I did choose them deliberately. I hope that, in sharing this with you, it will make sense. More importantly, I hope it speaks the message of Have Character more genuinely.

You see, this whole idea of Have Character is a message that I must preach to myself. It has to start with me before I can encourage someone else. In doing this, I know that truth, honesty, and integrity are not all that easy to accomplish. Sometimes they are things I struggle with so holding myself accountable has to be important to me. It certainly isn’t easy for me. I am a human being who makes mistakes…who can really blow it from time to time, even more times than I care to admit…who screws up in my moments of weakness…many times doing the exact opposite of those three cherished virtues. I believe if I am “seeking” …if I am “clinging” …if I am “striving” …then this means I can acknowledge that I don’t always have it together! I can acknowledge I don’t have it all figured out. I think to be able to uphold these virtues then I must be willing to acknowledge my failures. If I can do that, I will be able to give a break to others around me when they blow it and fall short. After all, how can I not give someone the benefit of the doubt if I have the humility to know and acknowledge that I have been there too?

Ultimately, I hope using these three action words bring about two different, yet powerful meanings. As mentioned above, the first is to show the humbleness and humility of the struggle in trying to accomplish the virtues of truth, honesty, and integrity. “Seeking”, “clinging”, and “striving” screams loudly to the very real chance of falling short. It spotlights the struggle as we all know circumstances can surely test our resolve. These action words prove a vulnerability and dare I say even a feebleness, in our attempts to pursue these virtues and achieve them. However, at the very same time, the second meaning is to use these particular words to show just how strongly we must commit to it to have the ability to accomplish them. If I am actively “seeking” truth, then I have a bold desire to want it which will result in finding it. If I am actively “clinging” to honesty, then I am fighting to commit to it, even when the toughest of times come to challenge it. If I am actively “striving” for integrity, then I have a deep desire for integrity to define me and who I am. The result will be me becoming a man of substance with something to offer.

In ending, I hope I can encourage you to do your very best to chase these virtues. By doing so, I believe you will live a life that truly means something. You will build a legacy that will have an impact. I trust, if you go on this mission and stay committed to it, it will be contagious. Others around you will take notice. More importantly, those you come in contact with will be affected in a very positive way. So, I leave you with a humble challenge to commit to living a life that “seeks truth, clings to honesty, and strives for integrity.” When you add them all up you arrive at Have Character.

Now, I can only hope that the man typing this takes this message to heart as well. After all, he needs to get first in line!

And, as always, look up and give thanks! “Seeking” Truth actually starts there. This I am convinced!

J. Noah Russell

P.S.- Do you want proof of my shortcomings? Look at how many times I used quotation marks in this blog! Ugh!


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